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Tuffy, Katie and Steve came home also for a week. Dad is fairly well now, but always tired.

Freda married in Germany and they came home to Illinois on last Xmas Day. They are living in Tulsa now, and both working.

Nancy and children went to her mothers. She got a divorce Jan. 25th and Robert has been staying with us. It’s so good to have him here while Dad is so poorly. We hope Dollie will come home in June.


March 30, 1967


It’s almost 2 yrs. since I wrote in this book. Many things have happened. We moved over in the old neighborhood in Sand Springs, where we landed in 1919.

Dad was in the hospital when we moved in Oct. 23, 1965. He was in bed most of the time, sat up in a chair a couple of times, but was soon back in bed. I had to feed him, he was so helpless. He just wasted away. His lower limbs were paralyzed but his mind was real good, better than it had been for the last few years. He didn’t seem to have any pain, just slept most of the time. Dollie was home last November. Jimmie was home during the summer. Tuffy and Katie were here in February. Fentley was home most of the winter.

Dad was taken to the hospital March 5th and he passed away the 9th, 1967. Jane and children came home, also Jimmie and Warner. Fentley went back to Iowa, so Robert and I are alone.


We expect Dollie home in May, then if everything goes well, she and I will spend a week in Iowa and Illinois.

Freda and Kirk are living in Okla. City, both teaching school.

Steve married and is in the Army. He was sent to Germany recently.

Warners boy, Beno is in Camp Chanute in Illinois at present.


July 1971

More changes in the past 4 years. I am living across the street from Fern, which makes it nice.

Fentley’s Mexican wife, Rose died. Robert’s ex-wife, Nancy died. His children, Ronnie and Annie live with Nancy’s mother. Barbara is married.

Warner and Melinda are divorced. Jane & Don are divorced. She has the children and works for an insurance company, doing real well.


I’m feeling fine, although the Doctors can’t understand it, as my blood count is very low. Of course, I’m taking liver pills.


Just got back from a trip to Illinois, went with Robert and his lady, Betty. Had a good visit.


Fern has been ailing the last 2 years. Nerve trouble, couldn’t walk for some time, but now she is doing fine and walks again.

Warner married again, to Fleeta, Ruth’s sister.


June, 1972

Last August I made a trip by plane to California. Visited at Dollie’s, Warners and Charles. Warners girl, Rosie got married while I was there, a lovely wedding.


Last month, I went with Freda and Hadley to Illinois, visited all my children up there.


Well, this is the end.

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